There was an interesting sermon at Church on Sunday where we talked about coveting possessions - and not just other peoples, it was asking us to check where our priorities lie. I do wonder at this time, where this happens in today's politics between Conservatives and Labour - Conservatism and Socialism. Labour seem to echo the redistribution of wealth mantra, taking from the rich to give to the poor. Isn't this covetous? You've made your choices. Now you want to take what someone else has to give to someone else.

Jesus didn't really have a bad word to say about wealth. The problem isn't wealth, the problem is our attitude towards wealth, our covetous nature. That doesn't mean all rich people are covetous. The problem I always have with the left in it's attitude towards taxing people to the hilt, is that it strips away personal freedom, personal choice, personal giving and personal charity. We prevent the power of people to be good through tax. We try to change people through taxation. This in my estimation is wrong.

If all we are, are people who must obey the law, then what scope is there for us to be judged for our behaviour? There is none. This to me, is the appeal of Christianity. It's not about what laws we follow, but about what we have in our hearts. Don't you find it specious that wealthy people who advocate for higher taxes? If you feel that strongly about public services, why don't you give more of your wealth? You're free to do so! But quite often, you'll find that they're not happy to give unless they're being taxed. They don't want to pay more tax under a conservative government, but are happy to pay more under a labour government. They're not happy to give of their own free will, they would rather be taxed by a socialist government. I know many champagne socialists who have expensive trips round the world, but preach about how everybody else should be giving more.


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