Regression of Society

I don't know if it's some kind of hidden human trait, but just when you think we're becoming a more enlightened society, more caring and compassionate, we somehow completely regress ourselves.

As an example of our regression, take a look at onesies! It is the ultimate, I want to look like a baby, motif. Comfortable is one thing, but do you have to borrow clothese from your kids? What next, nappies? Oh wait, some people already do that.

Can't we invent something going forward that is actually a bit more adult? What's wrong with looking like Barney Stinson?

Unfortunately though, this is just an indication for me about larger issues in society.

Ironically Im posting on Blogger, and Im actually becoming largely against electronic communication in favouring a more human response.

The problem I see is echoed by the recent tragedy in America with the shooting of all those children.

While it is easy to look at the surface and talk about banning guns, tighter control, and wishing the perpetrators are rotting in hell (hrm - how enlightened), we must look a little bit under the surface.

What was it that allowed that gunman to slip through the cracks in society, where nobody was concerned about his mental health and welfare, where nobody gave him the help or support he seemingly needed. Society has become isolationist and rather than checking in with the neighbour and forging friendships with those around us, we use technology and travel to keep in touch with a select group of people - mostly on the internet. Facebook calls them "Friends" - but you probably wouldn't recognise them in public.

Why couldn't we prevent this tragedy?

I've touched on it in previous blog posts, we can take away his guns, but at the end of the day, there would still be an individual, a man out there who needs some help.

Im not saying some people aren't just evil. but we're too quick to turn a blind eye instead of getting stuck in.

We close the curtains and get on line and gossip about how we want the world to be instead of actually doing something transforming the world we live in ourselves.

Facebook is a tool. Sitting on it won't change the world, for that you need a message, but Facebook and other social media can be used to help spread the message.


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